Introvert vs. Extrovert
I know there are different definitions of introvert and extrovert so first of all let me introduce you to the way I define it.
To me it’s about energy, how you charge and how you use your energy.
Some people charge by spending time with others. They find their energy levels to be much higher when they spend time with people they care about or who inspires them, and might even feel this energy for days after. These people are what I would define as extroverts. Of cause no one gets more energy of spending time with people they don’t like – at least I don’t think so.
Sometimes I wished that I was extroverted because it seems like you can manage much more, but of cause it isn’t easy being an extrovert if you don’t have anyone to charge your battery.
I believe you can be outgoing without being an extrovert.
I would call myself pretty outgoing in the terms of being good at talking with people I don’t know and at times taking some attention in an attempt to raise good vibes or pull it away from someone who doesn’t want it. Sometimes I really like to be social but I always use energy in some way, and I can only charge again on my own.
Which leads me to talk about what I see as an introvert – not to be confused with what I would call enclosed. Being closed off to your surroundings, not being able to share your feelings or thoughts, finding it difficult and uncomfortable to be social.
To me being an introvert just means charging when you’re alone. That you need your “alone time” to raise your energy level.
So as (what I would describe as) an introvert it’s not that I don’t like to spend time with people, it’s just that I need energy in order to enjoy it, and the only way I can get that energy is, by making sure I have time for myself beforehand, but also after in order to recharge.
I find it quite important to know if you are an introvert or extrovert, and even though I know for sure I’m an introvert, I am still learning what that means and how I can help myself manage my energy.
For example, I thought I would be able to post on Instagram every day all summer but I made the mistake thinking I could just take some time to create content while staying with my friend or my mom. Yet it turns out…
I cannot be creative when I’m social
If I’m surrounded by others I spend my energy on them and I don’t charge on that account. Instead I charge on love and presence which is equally important. The issue is to find the balance and be able to think ahead.
Knowing this, seeing it clear, in the future I have to spend enough time alone to plan content beforehand, so that I can easily post while being social, and making sure I have enough content to those couple of days right after where I am completely low on energy and still can’t create, until I’ve charged a bit, and the energy and inspiration to create starts to appear voluntarily.
I don’t want to force my content. I want it to arise from inspiration and the joy of creating, and to do that I need to know myself and plan accordingly.
What is your definition of introvert and extrovert? Does introvert equal enclosed and extrovert equal outgoing? Or does the definition I use make sense to you as well?
Though I sometimes find it difficult (by my definitions) to balance being an outgoing introvert, I can’t imagine how difficult it must be, being an enclosed extrovert – needing the contact to charge but not being able to create it.
If we knew more about this we might be able to see ourselves and others in a new light and create more circumstances for succesful encounters and creations.
The photos in this article are from a photo shoot for Creative Lifestyle Magazine number 5
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